Saturday, 18 November 2006

Eyes that could give life (rebirth)

He sits there with cheeks chiselled with tears, eyes clouded, vision deterred, trying helplessly to cut his wrist. He sits there, scarred by the years, drained by the memories, haunted by the fears
he has lost all hope, he had given her everything and she has taken it, he has given her his happiness and his feelings, she took that too, and handed it over to someone else, and left him there, robbed.
To feel betrayed by your very own self, to feel like you are to naive for this world...when has the world turned into such a frolicsome place? When have standards changed, how could such a pretty face betray?
Why should he not kill himself, he is already dead, she has already killed him, there is no life left in him, all that lies inside is black darkness, wounds so deep that they torment his soul, silent screams echo inside him, a whirlwind of pain and hurricane of agony.
Images of goodbye, and a silent movie of the separation, plays-never ending. Why? Oh why did she have to leave like that? Recklessly speaking the words with no emotion, distant as she utters them, as she speaks of a decision she's made- alone.
The movie plays painfully, slowly over and over again in his mind, accompanied with a symphony of screams of agony and tears of a lost soul. Played by his ugly tormentor on the instruments of his torture. Emotions cutting deep within his soul, burning- raw. He questions all that is beautiful, he questions if beauty ever existed. He thinks that maybe, it was just him, his choice of viewing things that way, out of plain romanticism. He sees thorns, not beautiful roses, he sees pain and darkness in everything, the sun doesn't shine on him, the moon scares him, he crawls for he won't walk, its time to leave, come sweet angle of death, I open my arms and I welcome you in.
He should i take such a worthless life, slit my wrist, take them pills, or just pick the highway... just ways of time, his mind is no longer clear. He takes that blade, and cuts deeper and deeper into his soul, lines that start closer to his hand and end up further into his arm closer...closer- oh come dear death. He feels his soul rising, and he sees the white light, he is reaching out for it, his fingertips going through the haze and they land on a face, they slide across, and he sees through them, its beauty again, its pulling him back, no please let me go he screams, but these screams don't erupt for he feels a warm surge being born on his lips that silences him and it rips through his body demolishing all the darkness inside him. Suddenly he feels emancipated, this touch on his lips feels familiar, and it gently strikes him, it is a kiss, the kiss of life. The sirens-they draw closer, and fade away, and closer again and he wakes up to a prickling feeling on his wrist, a needle...and a sobbing girl at his side...oh the beauty of life. He wakes up to heavenly beauty, eyes that could give life. He thinks to himslef that’s why he couldn't find beauty and only saw darkness, for all the beauty in the world has fused together to give her eyes, it was her lips that brought him back and its her eyes that would keep him going.

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