Friday, 17 November 2006

A Leap of Faith

Like violins in the background of a bitter rock song, there's a detail hidden about her life. A stone that lies deep under the calm surface of her flowing river that once ripped it apart. A heart that has chosen someone else's arms as a home- rather than her insides, where it was born, and lingered there for too long until it forgot where its true calling was, and began to settle there. All the letters; unsent- all the cries; unanswered. Silent screams erupt trying to break the stalement forced upon her by the strange surroundings. A stare that is of a pair of glass eyes- paralysed, frozen senses and numb feelings, weary arms, but she lifts her palms for one last time. Her glass eyes stare upwards and pray with sincerity, a tear drops with each word, her heart prays too. Ohh most compassionate and most merciful lord I know I have sinned and I beg for your mercy. Shadow me with your blessings and lift this curse off my downcast shoulders. Oh dear God, I weigh ten times my body, my soul is in agony. Oh dear God please embrace me, bless me with your forgiveness, help my being elevate. Lord almighty, i am lost, take me in and guide me, for I have sinned. Her frail arms shake, her knees clatter loudly, for she is weakened by guilt, pulled apart by her own conscious. Then she is blinded, a white light invades her soul and clears her mind. Its obvious, an invisible hand shakes her hard. She can hear, she doesn't know what, but she can hear, one word strikes her hard, LA ILAH ILA ALLAH. Its the familiar call that she has always heard Al Adan. Over and over, it shakes her soul, time and time again, washing away the darkness of her heart, the sinful soul sublimes. It enters her and with each word she gets stronger. It purifiers her as the words echo inside her, 7ayaa 3ala el salaaaah, 7ayaa 3ala el falaaa7. It is calling her; come to your saviour. Come to your salvation. Come to pray. With hastened footsteps at first and then breaking into a sprint she honours the call. I am coming my lord, i am coming ooh most compassionate, I am coming oh most merciful. Her eyes, they shine- her face; it glows... it's the beauty of God shining through her, oh helpless human, what are you without your creator.
Allah wi Akabar she screams. Allah wi Akbar she cries and with every tear her soul gets lighter, and she prays. She finishes and she looks upwards. An unfamiliar soothing voice whispers gently into her ears as she lies there in the middle of the mosque. She is calm again, but she is still crying, and with each tear her soul rises and rises, "Tashahdy" the voice says, "Ashado Ana La Ilah Ila Allah Wi Ana Mohamed Rasool Allah". With the last tear her soul leaves her body. She sees herself, so tranquile so beautiful. "Ya Ayoha Al Nafs Al Motma2ena Erga3y El Rabky Radyton Mardeya Wi Adkholy fi 3eebaady Wi Adkholy Ganaty".

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