Tuesday, 21 November 2006

A World Apart

She is a beautiful symphony of elegant and ancient oriental beauty mixed with a hint of sublime European lines.Like colors of a sunset meeting spices of the Orient; a fusion of classic art and contemporary beauty. Her eyes are two moons set in the midst of most elegant skies. That even he, the prince from the fairy tales she once long ago believed in, was caught bewildered by their shimmering twinkle against her velvety tan skin.

He would sit there wondering if she will ever be his, if he would ever be fortunate, not knowing that over there, on the other side, another heart beats and with each beat his love grows in her foreign heart and spreads through her being like wildfire. The short distance that had brought them close across a remote dimly lit hallway, the shortest distance between two being, from heart to heart; souls touching- a step further beyond delight.

They lit up the room when there eyes met. Sparks ignited signaling the birth of the deepest love a heart could bear. They both froze, the world around them ceased to exist for a few precious moments that lasted for a lifetime. They need not talk, for their eyes were already exchanging pleasantries and were already engaged in a deep conversation of pure love.

Then there hands touched. Their hands touched- liberating a million butterflies fluttering their wings-captivated. and sitting there next to him, alone-for the first time, discovering a foreign land. She thought.. what do i do ... oh what is there to do ... this is not something to undermine or leave emasculated- she knew deep down in her heart that this was to last an eternity. She looked down at her hands relishing his touch; a domain she thought was exploring but felt like part of her entity, she felt comfortable with him, like he has always been there with her. He let his hands go, they knew what they were doing, these hands they are hugging they already hugged before, these eyes that he is swimming deep in her warmth, have warmed him before. It's like their souls had fallen in love 200 years ago, awaiting their incarnation, promising one another, they'd pick the perfect two...a man made for her ; " I’ll pick the girl perfect for you"

Every part of him was in harmony with every part of her, He had fallen in love with her many times over, his eyes worshipped hers, his hands we born to hold hers and his lips awaits her kiss. His eyes fixed on her love stricken eyes and tells her, give me your lips and his hands pull her towards him and they kiss. A firework of emotions erupts. It rains and the rain hangs there around them, each raindrop watching the love in show in front of them. Each raindrop hanging there around them, not wanting to disrupt such a glorious moment for all lovers that believe in love at first sight. All times stops, it freezes, for they don't need time, it doesn't exist in the world the kiss had transported them too. Their souls touch and merge together giving birth to one being of true love. Every breath is a promise, to everlasting love...every breath a vow to eternal happiness. A promise of Eskimo kisses and bear hugs and never be taken for granted. For the both know, as certain as the freckles in each others eyes that...forever never ends- even at death. That with everything they do, their hearts grow beyond what were once known as limits.

An ear piercing scream of death, screeches from behind them. Waking them from the deep dreams of love they drifted of too. An ugly creature pulls them apart and punches him hard on the chin. It was her brother. He wipes the drops blood lazily dropping from his mouth. His heart breaks with every blood drop, and her eyes break down, her heart breaks with every blood drop of his, and her eyes break down torn between what’s right and what she feels is so true. One time after the other, her brother punches him- stop! Stop she screams ..."la illah illa allah, stop it!" With regret her brother mumbles Mohammad rasulu allah as her long lost love through a broken nose whispers "aly waley allah".
Suddenly it all comes into focus, reality strikes him hard, the world has come between them. He gets up and looks away and leaves his tears leaving a trail behind him. A trail of pain and agony, the world couldn't have been harsher or more despicably horrible.

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