Saturday 18 November 2006

The Beginning

“Oh so you are competing with him now? Or just me?” she said
“With anyone who dares to challenge me” he replied

She laughs, with a sarcastic shrill in her voice and a glimmer of evil in her eyes. Every feature of her face was leering at him with provoking arrogance as he beat himself up trying to outdo her. He vowed that he will not back down till he is victorious, he spoke of victory, like a knight...a knight armed in her sympathy and with her arrogance in his arsenal he stabbed her repeatedly with his witty, slick and fast verbal jousts as he found the chink in her armour. Stabbed in the back, she felt helpless as she slowly withdrew. But no, she'll fight till the last drop of blood shed with dignity. Still she lets her arrogance get the better of her as he continues his assault nothing can stop him now. He speaks of her arrogance as if he's surrounded with mirrors, our knight in shining's giant ego needs a reality check. Nothing can stop him now he thought. But in steps his conscious, is he turning into the monster that he was so gallantly fighting, shall he slay her and rid the world of her arrogance or give her another chance and get rid of his own. As it turns into a battle of egos, rather than words, maybe the walls are left with no mirrors after all. The walls are left with only ears to judge their verbal jousts, as blow after blow echoes through them and she covers her ears as she always does-reality hurts. She stumbles back and falls, she sits there under him, looking up to him. No place for her ego anymore, everything is lost. She now shuts her eyes as the flashbacks force themselves through her memory, how did she give in?
As she awaits her end, all time stands still and she feels a gentle touch on her cheek that wipes away her tears. Tears she didn't even know exist and she opens her eyes slowly to find an open hand. She takes it and rises slowly, and she goes from blatant arrogance to an emotionally poor wreck. She rises from the dead again by the sweet tasting nectar of love and she is humbled and driven madly in love. “C’est l'amour” she whispers and is gone.

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